As you save birthdays in Password Genie you can create birthday reminders:

Password Genie - D - Setup Birthday Reminders

Display Reminder – Checked by default, Password Genie - D - Display Reminder checkbox allows a reminder to pop up for each birthday entry you have saved, whenever you log in to Password Genie on that day.

Email Reminder – When checked, the Password Genie - D - Email reminder checkbox option will send an email to you for that particular person’s birthday.

Display age in reminder – When checked, the Password Genie - D - Display age checkbox will display the person’s age when the birthday reminder pop’s up.

Set Reminder – The Password Genie - D - Set reminder dropdown option allows you to set the number of days before a birthday that a reminder appears. This means that you can set a reminder for up to five (5) days before the actual birthday.

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