SecurityCoverage Named a NCSAM Champion SecurityCoverage demonstrates its commitment to cyber security by becoming a National Cyber Security Cedar Rapids, Iowa (July 22, 2013) SecurityCoverage [...]
Even with the massive increase in mobile malware, relentless attacks on desktop and laptop computers, and incidents reported from social sites like Twitter, Scribd, WordPress, Living Social and [...]
The situation seems hopeless. Attacks on social media and personal data are relentless with incidents reported from Twitter, Scribd, WordPress, Living Social and Vudu in the first quarter of 2013 [...]
The last two years have seen staggering growth in mobile malware discoveries and 2013 is poised to be the highest year yet. shows a 127% increase in Android malware discoveries [...]
Summer is here and we bet you’ve got plans. Vacations, family reunions, ball games and barbecues are all on the calendar. We think it’s also a good bet that you’ll take more [...]
The ZeuS Trojan that was employed by cyber crime rings to steal millions of dollars from U.S. banks in fall 2010 appears to be making a comeback. Our SecureIT researchers spotted a 55% increase [...]
If you’ve ever run a resale program, then you know how difficult it is to keep your vendor information up to date. As time passes, things like features, benefits and even pricing change, [...]
If you’re a parent, you’re braced for your kids frequent summer cry, “I’m bored!” That down time means lots of internet and electronic time for children. And with 95 percent of teens using the [...]
For most, Memorial Day weekend marks the start of summer fun as well as a day to honor those who served. The long weekend often entices Americans to get out on the highway and travel, fire up the [...]
The Secret Is Out – Your Device Is Open To Attack Tips on how to protect your mobile device and personal information from threats. Cedar Rapids, IOWA (May 17, 2013) You’re not the only one [...]