From the Console

If you know of a site you do not want Password Genie to remember, you can manually add it and ensure that Password Genie won’t save a username and password.

For example: You never want Password Genie to save a username and password for your Yahoo e-mail account. In order to do this, enter and click on the Password Genie - D - Block PWG (1) button. The site will be automatically added to the list and Password Genie will not save the web site as a Saved Login.

If at any time you’d like to remove a domain that has been excluded, simply highlight the web site in the console and click on the Password Genie - D - Block PWG (2) button.

From the “Save Login” Prompt

If you are browsing the Internet and Password Genie prompts you to save a login you do not want to save, you can press the “Never For This Website” button that appears on the Password Genie Save Login prompt.

Password Genie - D - Block PWG (3)

A domain will also be placed here if you choose “Never for this Website” on the save login prompt.

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