Password Genie includes a browser button on each of the supported web browsers.

Logged In: Shows which Password Genie user is currently logged into Password Genie.

Unlock Password Genie: Unlocks the Password Genie console.

Open Console: Opens the Password Genie console.

Switch Users: Allows you to switch users from the convenience of the browser button.

Create User: Creates a new user in Password Genie.

Saved Logins: Opens a drop-down menu that shows all the logins the signed-in user has saved. This list will be in alphabetical order and when the user chooses one of their saved logins, it will take them directly to that web site.

Bookmarks: Opens a drop-down menu that shows all the bookmarks the signed in user has saved. This list will be in alphabetical order and when the user chooses one of their bookmarks, it will take them directly to that web site.

Add a Bookmark: Opens the prompt to allow you to save the current page as a bookmark.

Password Generate: Allows you to manually use the password generator to create a strong, unique password.

Settings: Opens a drop-down menu that shows all of the options in the “Sections” tab of the Password Genie console (Login Settings, Auto-Save, Auto-Lock, Updates, Synchronize, Security, Password Generator, General Settings and Manage Categories).

Check for Updates: Checks for any Password Genie updates.

Support: Opens drop-down menu that will take you to all the options that are in the “Support” tab of the Password Genie console (How To Guides, Frequently Asked Questions and Tips, and Support Forum).

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